This website provides resources around naloxone. If you have a questions, are looking for a location that is stocked with naloxone, need answers to frequently asked questions, or would like a list of training/treatment resources, please see the appropriate tab at the top of the page.

Information on opioid misuse, prevention, and fatal overdoses may be found on the main overdose prevention web page: .

Pursuant to Indiana law, a Naloxone entity that seeks to act under the Indiana Statewide Naloxone Standing Order or other standing order or prescription issued by a prescriber for an overdose intervention drug (e.g., Narcan/naloxone), must annually register via this Indiana State Department of Health website and make changes when warranted (e.g. new address or contact information, etc). Use the buttons below to find a location that carries naloxone, register as a naloxone entity, or update/submit annual registration, report, or standing order.


Locate Current Naloxone Entities

Register as a New Naloxone Entity

- Current Entities Only -
Update/Submit Annual Registration, Report, or Standing Order

2023 Annual optIN Summary
There were 606 registered entities during 2023. They reported dispensing 350,910 intranasal, 208 auto-injector, and 33,835 other injectable naloxone kits during this period.
2022 Annual optIN Summary
There were 552 registered entities during 2022. They reported dispensing 56,434 intranasal, 266 auto-injector, and 31,615 other injectable naloxone kits during this period.
2021 Annual optIN Summary
There were 451 registered entities during 2021. They reported dispensing 106,393 intranasal, 48 auto-injector, and 2,103 other injectable naloxone kits during this period.
2020 Annual optIN Summary
There were 370 registered entities during 2020. They reported dispensing 50,675 intranasal, 1,408 auto-injector, and 40,546 other injectable naloxone kits during this period.
2019 Annual optIN Summary
There were 320 registered entities during 2019. They reported dispensing 19,075 intranasal, 19 auto-injector, and 527 other injectable naloxone kits during this period.
2018 Annual optIN Summary
There were 277 registered entities during 2018. They reported dispensing 15,570 intranasal, 691 auto-injector, and 27,336 other injectable naloxone kits during this period.
2017 Annual optIN Summary
There were 682 registered entities during 2017. They reported dispensing 3,828 intranasal, 94 auto-injector, and 20 other injectable naloxone kits during this period.
2016 Annual optIN Summary
There were 347 registered entities during 2016. They reported dispensing 2,299 intranasal, 1,287 auto-injector, and 21 other injectable naloxone kits during this period.